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TopicStoplight Emergency Vehicle Warning System
ContentI have noticed that automobiles and other vehicles do not stop for emergency vehicles when they come roaring through an intersection. I don't think it is because these vehicles disregard the law or don't care, but that they can't hear the sirens before it is too late. I propose a way for drivers to know that an emergency vehicle is approaching an intersection before it is in the drivers range of hearing. I am not even sure if this is feasible, considering it would probably come from the tax payers...but, there should be a way emergency vehicles can trip a switch in their vehicle that either (1) sets all lights blinking at an intersection so that cars know an emergency vehicle is coming through and cars would immediately stop and not enter the intersection or (2) a different light above the stoplights (maybe blue) would flash so cars would know an emergency vehicle is coming through and cars would immediately stop and not enter the intersection.