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TopicProtect Military Retired Pay
ContentI agree with Mr. Kurland. To further expose the discriminatory nature of this law which was hastily back dated by congress to supersede the Supreme Court decision in McCarty v. McCarty (1981). The spouse of a military member is given incentive to divorce thus creating lifetime income with no effort of their own. To make matters even more insulting, there are cases where the spouse of the military member was caught red handed in adultery and are now being rewarded for their actions. There are hundreds of former spouses that monthly collect millions of tax payers dollars from a number of their former spouses. These military members that were asked to put it all on the line are now being bilked out of even their disability pay which the state refuses to apply federal laws as untouchable. Some of the patriots are 100% disabled. As a retired veteran I find this deplorable, there have been thousands of appeals set at the feet of those in the senate and in congress only to be ignored or merely paid lip service to. The idea is simple, if the law is not going to abolish then revamp it and put protections and remarriage clauses in it. Additionally place mandates that punish wayward judges who refuse to equally and fairly apply law and foremost put a stop to this national disaster. Americans expect the best from their soldiers, sailors and airmen, but DOD won't tell them when they enlist that their retirement in not guaranteed because of USFSPA. why the cloak and dagger DOD? Why the cover-up congress and senate? Inquiring veterans want to know Respectfully submitted, Lou Rushano USAF Retired