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ContentResolution on Efficient Government Agencies WHEREAS better government tends to be less government, and WHEREAS all bureaucracies tend to expand, with more and more people tending to do less and less work, and WHEREAS the normal system for funding any government bureau is for that bureau to propose the budget for their next fiscal year, and that this budget is always larger than the current budget, and WHEREAS it is a well known and quite understandable reaction of any bureau to make sure that the current year’s budget has been spent by the end of the fiscal year, even on unnecessary projects, else they lose it, and WHEREAS personal interest should have every employee watching for any possible waste of the taxpayer’s dollars, THEREFORE a new budgeting policy for each bureau shall be established, and THEREFORE any unspent budgeted funds at the end of the fiscal year shall be divided up and paid out to the employees in that bureau, and THEREFORE, then the lower budget figure, pre-disbursement, would be used for the next fiscal year, with, again, any unspent surplus being distributed to the employees who made the surplus possible, and THEREFORE this new budgeting method shall be the policy for all government bureaus at the local, state and federal level. No money would be saved the first year, but from then on every department would have continuously lowering budgets. Could the cost of running the state be cut in half in three years? I think so. The bottom line would be far more efficient and less costly state services. Idea originally from Wayne Green